For young professionals

Are you a young professional who:
- Do you work, or want to work, as a freelancer?
- Gained knowledge on topics such as CSRD, CSDDD and EU Taxonomy during your studies, for example, because you graduated on that topic?
- Are you in the final year of your studies and looking for a side job that is a great stepping stone to start your career?
- Want to join us in putting a new field – impact analytics – on the map?
- Want to go into business with us, and therefore share risk and return?
- Want to work remotely for a while, such as from a sunny location?
- Believes in the power of collaboration?
Then Yimmies is for you! We provide a marketplace for young independent professionals who are helping organizations implement new European sustainability legislation, such as the corporate sustainability reporting directive (CSRD), and who want to make more impact than they can achieve on their own.
Below you can read more about the setup of Yimmies.
What all our young professionals have in common is that they want to use their talents to make the world a little more beautiful. But in an enterprising and constructive way. We are not activists, but we do believe that it is time to take action. And that in an innovative way, making the most of the power of collaboration.
We want to make an active contribution to making Europe more sustainable.
Our objective is to turn the term CSR into a pleonasm: in fact, in our view, business should always be socially responsible.
“ple-o-nas-me (the; o; plural: pleonasms): expression in which the same concept is doubly expressed, e.g., in “old graybeard

We help companies map and analyze their impact on ESG themes. And by enabling them in this way to optimize their impact (sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the theme). And we do this in an innovative and entrepreneurial way.
The basis of our business model is simple. Our clients pay a certain hourly rate to the young professionals they hire. From that hourly rate, a certain percentage goes to the central organization. This is how all brokers and intermediaries work.
The innovation and entrepreneurialism lies in the fact that a significant portion of our profits are distributed to the young professionals who created them. And we do that based on a distribution key determined by the Yimmies, the affiliated young professionals, themselves. And that based on the added value each creates for Yimmies.
The main principles of our cooperation are:

It should feel good
We believe in the power of our feelings as the strongest driver of our collaboration.

Sowing and harvesting in balance
What you put in should be proportional to what you get out of it

Making ego work for eco
All of us are self-employed. Entrepreneurs like to want to create something themselves and get recognition for it. In that, in that drive, there is tremendous power. We harness that power of the ego to preserve our beautiful ecosystem. Thus, we do not believe that ego and eco are contradictory to each other. We believe that these perspectives can reinforce each other just fine.
The name Yimmies is an abbreviation/composition of “young impact makers. In fact, our focus is on mapping and optimizing the impact that companies have on their environment. We fulfill roles that did not exist until recently, namely that of “impact analysts.
This role can be placed in an organization’s Finance, Procurement or Sustainability department. We believe that the new European legislation calls for recalibrating the way support functions are organized. A “compartmentalized approach” no longer suits the multidisciplinary nature of today’s issues.
Typical work our young professionals can perform includes:
- Conducting a gap analysis, as part of a CSRD implementation.
- Implementing the action plans that emerge from the gap analysis.
- Completing the hundreds of reporting requirements arising from the European Sustainability Reporting Standards.
- Fulfilling a PMO role in an implementation.
- Participating in the actions that are going to ensure that the client’s ESG targets are met.